Switch From Credit Karma to Monarch

Turbocharge your personal finances by switching from Credit Karma

Hey Mint users! Don’t get downgraded to Credit Karma, switch to Monarch and import all of your Mint history. Embrace a new kind of personal finance app that’s intuitive, insightful, and ad-free. Try for free for 7 days.

Monarch for Web and Mobile

How is Monarch different?

Credit Karma
Comprehensive budgeting and goals
Monarch's product was built around being actionable with your personal finances —like crushing your debt, spending wisely, and building realistic budgets.
Limited features
Credit Karma currently does not offer any budgeting, spending limit, goal-setting, or proactive financial management capabilities.
No ads and no selling data
We protect your data with bank-level security, and never share it with third parties. We also never show you ads.
Promotion-heavy experience
Credit Karma makes money by promoting credit cards and other financial products to its users - so their interface is filled with ads.
Full Mint history import
Monarch Money supports comprehensive Mint history import, enabling users to seamlessly integrate their entire financial timeline.
Limited to 3 years of history
Credit Karma limits Mint history import to the last three years, erasing any additional history.
Precise bill management
Monarch pinpoints monthly fluctuations in bill payments, alerting you to changes in monthly utilities expenses and other merchant charges
Un-actionable financial insights
Credit Karma is missing bill management capabilities and provides only basic, snapshot-based financial overviews.
Modern, intuitive design
Monarch has a beautiful, intuitive, and clean design across web, iOS, and Android. We obsess over the details to make sure every piece of the product is easy to use.
Basic design
Credit Karma's product is bare bones, difficult to navigate, and designed to funnel you to paid products.
Robust transaction rules
Monarch's product empowers users to craft personalized transaction rules, enabling tailored control over their financial activity.
Limited rules
Credit Karma only allows users to categorize transactions - no custom rules or ability to change merchant names.
Contribute to the product roadmap
We let our users vote on the features they want us to build next. We use this information to democratize our product roadmap to ensure we're always building the best product for our customers.
No roadmap visibility
Credit Karma does not have a public roadmap available. Users do not know what Credit Karma is working on next.
Comprehensive budgeting and goals
Monarch's product was built around being actionable with your personal finances —like crushing your debt, spending wisely, and building realistic budgets.
No ads and no selling data
We protect your data with bank-level security, and never share it with third parties. We also never show you ads.
Full Mint history import
Monarch Money supports comprehensive Mint history import, enabling users to seamlessly integrate their entire financial timeline.
Precise bill management
Monarch pinpoints monthly fluctuations in bill payments, alerting you to changes in monthly utilities expenses and other merchant charges
Modern, intuitive design
Monarch has a beautiful, intuitive, and clean design across web, iOS, and Android. We obsess over the details to make sure every piece of the product is easy to use.
Robust transaction rules
Monarch's product empowers users to craft personalized transaction rules, enabling tailored control over their financial activity.
Contribute to the product roadmap
We let our users vote on the features they want us to build next. We use this information to democratize our product roadmap to ensure we're always building the best product for our customers.
Credit Karma
Limited features
Credit Karma currently does not offer any budgeting, spending limit, goal-setting, or proactive financial management capabilities.
Promotion-heavy experience
Credit Karma makes money by promoting credit cards and other financial products to its users - so their interface is filled with ads.
Limited to 3 years of history
Credit Karma limits Mint history import to the last three years, erasing any additional history.
Un-actionable financial insights
Credit Karma is missing bill management capabilities and provides only basic, snapshot-based financial overviews.
Basic design
Credit Karma's product is bare bones, difficult to navigate, and designed to funnel you to paid products.
Limited rules
Credit Karma only allows users to categorize transactions - no custom rules or ability to change merchant names.
No roadmap visibility
Credit Karma does not have a public roadmap available. Users do not know what Credit Karma is working on next.
25,000+ reviews

The money app everyone is talking about

“Monarch Money is the best overall budget app for 2024. It's the best for anyone looking to cut expenses and increase savings—especially couples or families.”

“I looked at Monarch Money, NerdWallet, Rocket Money, Quicken Simplifi, and YNAB (You Need A Budget). My top pick? Monarch Money. Monarch is more than just a budgeting app. It provides everything you need to manage your personal finances.”

“Monarch Money has become one of the most hyped-up Mint alternatives among Reddit users since Mint is set to shut down in 2024.”

Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“Looking for a mint alternative? THIS IS IT! I wish I switched a long time ago. It does everything mint couldn't. Layout is amazing. Totally and completely worth the money!”

Evan J.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“It's beautifully designed and it just works, as advertised; Significantly fewer syncing issues than it's competitors.”

Stephen C.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“I tried YNAB, I tried Mint, I use Monarch. So much more intuitive and the UI/UX is delightful.”

Joshua W.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“I love monarch! Especially the cash flow and plan pages. I’ve already recommended it to several friends!”

Leisha L.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“Monarch is an elegant way of keeping track of my finances. I can make changes on my Android and they're instantly viewable on my Mac.”

Enrique K.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“The intuitive dashboard and cash flow trackers are simple to navigate. The planning tool is awesome. Love this tool!”

Danica E.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“Excellent interface, super easy to use. By far the best money management and planning app I've used.”

Paul W.
App Store
Yellow starYellow starYellow starYellow starYellow star

“Moved here from Mint, and wish I had done so years ago. Monarch is what Mint should have been. I'm way more satisfied with Monarch than I ever was with Mint.”

Kate R.
App Store

Frequently asked questions

Are you available on all platforms?
Do you support Apple Card?
Can I collaborate with my partner?
Are you available in Canada?